As an allergy sufferer, you know how bothersome dry, itchy eyes can be. Chronic dry eye disease often presents itself unknowingly in people with allergies, because of how closely the symptoms mimic each other.

Let’s take a look at how you can manage dry eye symptoms as an allergy sufferer.

Protect Your Eyes

One way to combat allergy and dry eye issues is to protect your eyes. For instance, if you are working outside, you can wear wrap around glasses so that allergens, wind, and dry air have as little effect on your eyes as possible.

Inside your home, it may be wise to install an air filtration system. This will help reduce indoor allergens and alleviate some of your symptoms. In your car, be sure to change your in-cabin air filter every 20,000 miles, so that the air inside your car will be as allergen-free as possible.

Check Your Meds

Some allergy medications can cause dry eye as a side effect. If you already have dry eye disease, it is important to let your doctor know this so that they can prescribe an allergy medication that will not exacerbate your symptoms.

Wear Contact Lenses Made to Resist Drying Out

If you suffer from allergies and dry eyes, your contacts can cause symptoms to worsen. Fortunately, there are contact lenses available that are more resistant to drying out. Your eye doctor may also recommend you wear one-day use contacts. Be sure to discuss your allergy and dry eye issues with your eye doctor, so that they can help you choose the best kind of contact for your eyes.

Do you suffer from allergies and dry eyes? Call us today for expert help alleviating your symptoms!

Allergies and dry eye together can make your days miserable. Fortunately, there are several treatments for dry eye that provide relief available, including artificial tears and Lipiflow. For help with your allergies and dry eyes, call our eye doctors in Boynton Beach today at 561-737-4040 for an appointment.