Tired of living with cataracts, but cataract surgery has you nervous? It shouldn’t. In fact, both surgery and recovery are pretty easy. How long does it take to recover from cataract surgery in Boca Raton? Here’s everything you need to know!

What Is the Recovery Process Like After Cataract Surgery?

When one thinks of recovery after surgery on the eye, they think of many limitations and complications, fueling unnecessary fear. The reality is that recovery after cataract surgery really isn’t that scary or difficult.

Your vision and overall eye health are improving the second surgery is completed. Your eye may feel scratchy, sticky, or generally uncomfortable as well as be watery more than usual, but you shouldn’t experience pain.

To prevent you from rubbing or messing with your eye, the treated eye will have a bandage, clear shield, or patch over it. You’ll also be given eye drops with specific instructions on usage. Other than this, there isn’t much you have to do after your procedure.

Exactly How Long Does It Take to Recover From Cataract Surgery in Boca Raton?

You’ll be surprised to know that your vision actually improves as quickly as one to three days! You can even watch TV and read immediately after your procedure, although things may be a tad blurry at first. You should plan to rest and take time off work for up to three days post-op.

For at least two weeks, you should not bend over. Also, avoid strenuous activities such as heavy exercise including weight lifting, jogging, gardening, and any activity that could increase your risk of an eye injury until your doctor says you can resume these activities.

While it can take anywhere from 3 to 10 weeks to see the full benefits of your treatment, many patients are able to return to work or their standard routine within the first week with approval from their doctor. Complete healing is usually seen at 8 weeks.

From Surgery to Recovery, Our Experts at South Palm Eye Associates Are Here to Help!

Cataract surgery is easier than you ever thought possible when you visit our office! We equip you with all of the information and recovery tips you need for a smooth-sailing process that leads to better, clearer vision. Give us a call at 561-737-4040 to book your consultation with one of our skilled ophthalmologists today!