The condition known as dry eye has many potential causes. It affects the ocular surface and is characterized by a loss of balance of the tear film. Different from tears, tear film is a complex tissue with layers. And when it is out of balance, problems occur. Possibly 86% of dry eye is due to inadequate oil layer on the tear film. Dry eye near 33437 is uncomfortable, and it can cause vision issues and inflammation because not enough liquid is produced to lubricate the eye. If you suffer from dry eye, here are some things you should know!

What causes dry eye?

There are many possible causes of dry eye near 33437, here are a few.

  • Aging is the primary cause.
  • Medications may be responsible for dry eye like diuretics, antihistamines, antidepressants, glaucoma drops and others. 
  • Your environment, such as air conditioning, cigarette smoke, windy conditions, exposure to some chemicals and allergens play a role in dry eye.
  • Previous surgeries like LASIK, glaucoma surgery, and cataract surgery may lead to this condition.
  • Diseases like Graves, Bell’s Palsy, and Sjogren’s syndrome can also cause dry eye.

How is dry eye near 33437 diagnosed?

Discovering the root cause of your dry eye is key to successful treatment. South Palm Eye is committed to providing patients with state-of-the-art diagnostics and treatments. We discover the underlying cause to best treat your condition to improve your overall eye health. 

What is the Dry Eye Center of Excellence?

South Palm Eye is committed to providing the latest and best diagnostics and treatments for dry eye near 33437. At our Dry Eye Center of Excellence, we use diagnostic tools such as TearLab, Keratograph 5M, allergy testing, Sjo diagnostic, and inflammadry. We discover the root cause and treat all phases of dry eye.

How is This condition treated?

Lipiflow is one way to treat dry eye when the oil layer on the tear film is inadequate due to obstructed oil glands. Lipiflow uses thermalpulsation to unblock the glands allowing normal production of oil. BlePhex is a precise new tool used to remove debris from the margins of the lids to treat Blepharitis.

If you suffer from dry eye near 33437, our eye doctors at South Palm Eye are committed to discovering the cause behind your dry eye and helping you choose the best treatment. Call us today at (561) 737-4040 to schedule your appointment!