
3 Risk Factors / Causes of Cataracts

3 Risk Factors / Causes of Cataracts

Have you noticed fogginess of your vision, trouble with distance vision, or colors not being as bright as before? Is night driving an ordeal because of headlight glare? You may be suffering from cataracts. Behind the iris and pupil, the lens of the eye behaves much like a camera lens, projecting an image to the retina. The optic nerve transfers…

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What Happens if Cataracts Are Not Treated?

What Happens if Cataracts Are Not Treated?

Getting older is inevitable. As we age, our bodies go through many changes, such as loss of muscle mass, metabolism slow down, and worsening of vision What Are Cataracts? Cataracts cause the eye’s natural lens to become cloudy, which causes the patient’s vision to become blurry. This can make it difficult for people to read, drive and perform routine tasks.…

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How Soon After Cataract Surgery Will My Vision Improve?

How Soon After Cataract Surgery Will My Vision Improve?

Cataract surgery is a common surgery to remove the natural lens of the eye after it has become cloudy and impaired the patient’s vision. Advanced techniques have made the operation far less risky and uncomfortable than it was in the past. It has also cut down on the patient’s recovery time. If you are considering cataract surgery, you will want…

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What Causes Cataracts

What Causes Cataracts

There are different ways in which cataracts can develop. Some cataracts begin in the center of the lens and are immediately noticeable. Others may creep slowly from the edges of the lens and eventually take it over. Still some may develop behind the lens. Cataracts affect vision in two main ways. They can change the power or prescription of your…

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