If your eyes are itching or aching, it may be time to visit an ophthalmologist in Delray Beach or you may risk permanent eye damage. These medical professionals are trained in vision care and know how to conduct eye exams and diagnose complex conditions. However, rather than visiting the first one that you like, follow these tips to narrow down your choices:

Get Referrals from Your Network

The best way you can determine if an ophthalmologist is as good as advertized is by asking your friends or anyone from your network. Whether their experience is good or bad, they will be willing to share it. Ask what they liked about the clinic and the services they got. You should also check out online forums for honest reviews if you don’t get a clear review.

Check Out the Website

Every business worth its salt has a website and this extends to hospitals and clinics. Check out the site of the ophthalmologist you are interested in to check out credentials. Besides service details, it should also have information about the medical professionals that work in the establishment.

This includes their educational background, training and qualifications that prove they have the skills to conduct complex procedures. It should also have a blog section that covers general eye care issues.

Make an Appointment

The best way to determine whether an ophthalmologist in Delray Beach is reliable is with firsthand experience. Make an appointment and check their professionalism out for yourself.  Bring all of your medical history with you and question them about how your conditions affect your vision.

This includes any medication you may be taking for your heart or blood pressure. Certain brands can affect vision negatively and your ophthalmologist should know this. If they don’t, you need to keep looking rather than risk your eyesight.

How South Palm Eye Associates can Help

South Palm Eye Associates maintains the highest level of care when it comes to ensuring our clients are well taken care of. We offer a range of services for optimal ocular health. This includes cataract surgery that is customized according to each patient’s unique condition. We also offer multifocal and Toric lens implants.

You don’t have to have a serious eye condition to visit. General eye care is equally necessary and we have state-of-the-art diagnostic instruments that can spot latent conditions accurately. This includes glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and other eye conditions that can blind you if they are not nipped in the bud. Get in touch with us and book an appointment today!