
Are Cataracts Always Visible?

Are Cataracts Always Visible?

While most Americans experience cataracts at some point in their life, many people know little about them and what they really are. Most of us think about them as a visible clouding over the eyes that are very obvious. However, this is not always the case. Oftentimes, people experience cataract symptoms long before the cataract becomes visible. In fact, knowing…

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How to Improve Your Recovery Time After Cataract Surgery

How to Improve Your Recovery Time After Cataract Surgery

Our eyesight is such an essential part of our life. When you begin to get cataracts, it can be very distressing to experience the sight loss. Most people experience cataracts at some point in their life.  Fortunately, cataract surgery is performed often and is fairly easy to undergo compared to other types of surgery. If you are having cataract surgery,…

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Cataract Awareness Month

Cataract Awareness Month

In an effort to bring more awareness to an issue that affects over 50% of Americans over their lifetime, Prevent Blindness America declared June as Cataract Awareness Month. Since cataracts are the leading cause of loss of vision in the United States, as well as the leading cause of blindness throughout the world, cataracts are important for all of us…

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Top 4 Signs You Have Cataracts

Top 4 Signs You Have Cataracts

A cataract is a defect in the eye that usually affects men and women in their later years. This condition is marked by an opaqueness in the lens of the eye that will, over time, result in a deterioration in a person’s vision. Cataracts can be dealt with by different methods, including cataract surgery in Boynton Beach. However, the condition…

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5 Surprising Facts You May Not Know About Cataracts

5 Surprising Facts You May Not Know About Cataracts

Cataracts happen when the lens in the eye behind the pupil and eyelid become clouded. Essentially, protein begins to pool in the eye, clouding the lens. This prevents light from getting through to the retina. There are different types of cataracts including nuclear cataracts, which cause the gradual hardening in the center (nucleus) of the lens, affecting the amount of…

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