Eye care is something many people neglect, especially those who have good eyesight that don’t require glasses or contacts. Everyone should maintain proper eye care regardless of eyesight, in order to prevent the need for a stronger prescription. Let’s look at some common eye care mistakes and what you can do to remedy them. eye care Mistake #1: Staring at…
Cataracts can be a thief of independence, causing vision impairment and even affecting the safety of once standard tasks. So, can you drive with cataracts, or is it too unsafe? Here’s what the experts have to say on this tricky subject. Can You Drive With Cataracts? Why or Why Not? It should be said first and foremost that a cataract…
During your eye exam, you likely have questions you want to ask, but you’re not sure where to start. Here are the top four questions to ask your eye doctor in West Palm Beach so you can take control of your eye health! 1. Is There Anything in My Family or Medical History That Puts Me at Risk for Eye…
As screens become more a part of our daily life, you may have heard concerns about the way screens may impact eye health. So, what’s the deal? Just what causes concern when it comes to your eyesight and electronics, and how bad is screen time for your vision? Here’s the scoop for better eye care! What Is Eyestrain? Eyestrain is…
It’s summer! Chances are you’re getting out and enjoying plenty of time outside. Summer vacations, picnics, and lots of playtime are part of what makes the season great. This added time outside though may take a toll on your eyes, so protect your vision with these 5 summer eye safety tips, especially if you’re visiting South Florida, where sunshine is…
Opticians, optometrists, and ophthalmologists in Delray Beach all specialize in vision. Optometrists and ophthalmologists are both eye doctors, while opticians are practitioners that design and fit you for eyeglasses. So, if you’re wondering which one to see and what the difference is between these vision specialists, here’s the skinny on the difference between an optician, optometrist, and ophthalmologist. Opticians Dispense eyewear…
Making vision care a priority for those who wear glasses is a part of life. But if you’ve never worn glasses and you’re over the age of 40, it’s time to make eye care in West Palm Beach a part of your healthcare routine. Seek out an eye doctor and get your eyes checked yearly, even if you don’t wear…